It was the end of November and the cold was striking in quite vigorously, along with the small rain, the fog and the darkness outside, stealing most of the day. A friend that I made during my previous trip to Thailand asked me if I d like to spend the end of the year abroad and sent me some travel …
Christmas Market in Trier, Germany
Somewhere near the South-Eastern border of Germany, close to Luxembourg, there is a small town of incredible peace and beauty called Trier. Set on the banks of the river Mosel, in a popular wine region, Trier might actually be the oldest city in Germany. Founded by the Celts and conquered by the …
Riviera Maya, Mexico
Once upon a time, in the South-Eastern part of today Mexico, close to the Carribean shores lived a remarkable civilization, known for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, hieroglyphic writing, astronomical system and also for human sacrifices as part …
Pura Vida in Costa Rica
When I first learned about Costa Rica as a travel destination, I was told it was the Switzerland of Latin America. I thought it meant expensive, what it actually meant was green. I have spent 8 days crossing the country from the capital San Jose to the Volcano Arenal region, then to Playa Tamarindo, …
Malta, the Land of Knights
When you are as passionate about history as I used to be as a child, you look at Malta as a land where legends and fairy tales were born from real life heroes. A small rocky island in the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Sicily, Malta had its share of war and domination, from the early Middle Ages …
Barcelona dreaming
Summertime is a fresh experience which leaves Barcelona standing tall in front of the blue sky and deep sea, with cherful palm trees all over the sandy land. The Mediteranean life can be tasted every step of the way, from the wonderful green rooftop terraces to the masterful icecream flavours, such …
Bites of London
For those of you who are fond of art, history and crime stories, London would be the perfect city to be in. This peculiar combination of mistery and tradition is what makes up for the original personality that London has, a city dead and alive at the same time. So, it was a couple of years ago …